Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fourth of July BBQ and Fun for ALS Fundraiser

Last year we celebrated 4Th of July honoring one of the baseballs' greatest player retirement, Lou Gehrig of the Yankees. Lou Gehrig retired from baseball seventy-one years ago when he was diagnosed with ALS which was not quite as known as today. Since Lou Gehrig's retirement seventy-one years ago a cure for ALS has not yet been found. Last year the ALS Support Group with leader Divina leading the way were able to raise approximately $3000 for TDI Research the largest ALS research center in the United States. Our 4Th of July picnic, games and baseball was a success because everyone gave a hand in helping with the tents, helped with the BBQ, helped with the clean up, participated in the fun old fashion games and played baseball.

This 4Th of July, the ALS SUPPORT GROUP will again have a fund raiser honoring Lou Gehrig's seventy-one years of retirement after being diagnosed with ALS. This year your donated money will stay at home in Hawaii to help our ALS families throughout Hawaii. When ALS strikes a family member, this also affects the whole family and circle of friends. As the ALS progresses, more care is needed which becomes a heavy burden to the family especially if there are no other help and there are other involvements outside the home such as work, school and raising children. Family members become burnt out which signs are being resentful, depression and not doing a good job of care giving. These families need help with someone else stepping in to give the family member respite time. However, this scenario does not take place very often because of the cost to hire another care giver. One of the goals of the ALS SUPPORT GROUP is to help these families by paying for a needed care giver in time of need.

Cost of tickets are $5 for delicious picnic food, a raffle ticket ,fun ole fashion games and baseball at Kapiolani Park staring at 11:00am-4:00pm.
Call Vi's cell (808) 256-9607 for tickets. See Natalie's poster.

I apologize for letting you know a little late. About a week ago I had my first bout of
P. .pneumonia that set me back along with my slow pace typing one letter at a time with my head mouse.

Thank you and God bless!



  1. Hey Folks!
    I had simply not looked at this in a long time til Nellie (always interested in the latest with Vi) told me it had been updated. It still looks great!!!Kathy Quinn and I have enjoyed visiting with Vi and getting to know her great helper Keith ( a paddler with a paddler's bod :-) He is such a helpful person and we have gotten some good laughs about his friendliness and great helpful ways. Kathy has tried to keep Jan fit by pulling him all over san souchi beach with swimming. They work out a good hour on Thurs and Sun. Allen, Stote and I joined them last week and could hardly stay with Miss Quinn. Stote and I "scarfed down" a piece of strawberry pie that Gliza made via Vi's instruction. I loved the crust!!! (of course, the most unhealthy part, right?) We have enjoyed Vi's emails and her using the computer. Vi is truly an inspiration. We all love her so! peggy

  2. It is me again! I hear Jan swam again with Miss Quinn and Stote this a.m.!! They swam short as the waves were intimidating...they swam for 42 min -- from the horse's mouth (stote). I saw Nellie, Pat Carrol, and Gio this a.m. too. I just got my new computer and am trying to clean up the old one to move stuff to the new Dell Studio. Laters Vi! Love you. Post again for us! peg
