Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Blog No. 9

Funny thing, yesterday I thought I had nothing to write about. But guess what? Last night as I was asleep, all these thoughts flashed through my mind of all the things that I should have written about, such as, having Mikala come and visit me for the last five days from Bali. On the day that I had nothing to write about, I spent the majority of Mikala's last day happily with him. Thank you Mikala, for giving me that time to spend with you and I look forward to seeing you, Emma and Bella again in one month. I am counting down the days!

Another friend in my life is Heidi, the plant lady of Hawaii, and a surfing buddy of mine from a long, long time ago. You probably saw all of the flowers adorning my house that were graciously given to me by Heidi from her yard. If any of you are interested in having someone to help you with your garden of plants, call Heidi.

Today was an especially long day. I went to physical therapy and speech therapy. I participated in land therapy today as I was not feeling well to go into the pool. At speech therapy, I learned one new exercise to strengthen my throat and vocal chords. My speech therapist also reviewed my chart to gather information for the application for a speech communication device called a Dynavox which will be used when I can no longer speak. This device will communicate for me with the use of either a head mouse or the eye gaze. As I dictate this blog over the phone to Natalie, I can really tell that my speech is going "to hell in a hand basket" (this is how Jan's mom, now passed away, would have expressed it). I have what's called, the ALS slur. I'll just have to double up on my throat and mouth exercises. I won't be embarrassed if you ask me to repeat what I say at anytime.

Another thing that happened today, is that I called my pulmonologist and spoke to him regarding a non-invasive ventilator called an AVAP and discussed with him the value of ALS patients using this before having to get a trache. ventilator. If you look on the MDA site (the link is located on the right side of this blog) and read the article on the longevity of patients with ALS, it states that ALS patients placed on a non-invasive ventalation can have their life extended to approximately another 3 years. I will be fitted for an AVAP hopefully by the end of this week. We'll give it the good old boy scout try and if it doesnt work... nevermind, it doesn't work.

All of our Hawaiian days have been so beautiful that I can hardly wait for Thursday when we all go swimming at Kaimana Beach.

Goodnight Bella, Goodnight Spike! Nana loves you!

Aloha, Vi

P.S. A Note from Natalie: Hi Web! I know that a lot of people have been asking how to post comments. So here is some quick instructions how:

1) You'll first have to go to www.google.com
2) at the top right side of the page click "sign in." If you don't have a google account, you'll have to create one. You can use whatever email address you regularly use as your username.
3) After youve created an account, go to violetsweb.blogspot.com and select "follow this blog" on the bottom right side.
4) No you are able to post comments.

Vi loves reading all of your comments, so keep them coming! Also, please be sure to make Violets Web your home page so you can you can always stay up to date on what's happening. Thank you!


  1. Hi Vi,

    How wonderful for you to have had some nice time with Mikala, and lovely he is coming again in a minth with Emmma and Bella.

    The photo of the care and share day looked great wow you are a popular girl and blessed to have many friends.

    I miss you vi and often think of our days visiting Malia in hospital and going shopping in between, we had fun. Love Lynne x x

  2. Aloha Beautiful Vi and Gorgeous Gliza,
    I will see you tomorrow at 8:30 Kaimana,...the water is warming up and was very clear today. Remind me to ask you about coming to the "Swim With Mike" function at the Pool May 30th, 9:00-Noon.
    I know your days are very full but I will tell you as much as I know.
    Love love You!

  3. hi vi & nat & gliz!
    Like latest blog! Kona is hot & 2 kids are different. Saw 2 honu 2day & luau 2nite
    Hope swim is fun for u 2day. King Kam being remodeled. Do not have inet access @hotel.peg & sto

  4. Vi:

    I had actually mentioned that to Mikala on Sunday at Rocky Point about the BiPAP (AVAP). it is something that assists you in retaining your FVC function longer. As well, there is a minimal invasive surgery for installation of a diaphragm pacing system which will help in retaining the integrity of the diaphragm longer. I could give you more info in the future if you were interested.

    Once again thanks to everyone for being so kind.

    Mike Shannon

  5. I forgot to ask...would you be kind enough to list ALS TDI's link on your website.

    www.als.net is the URL. We are, of course, ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI)
