Thursday, May 14, 2009

Blog No. 6!!!

It's another busy week! No slumming around here. I really have to thank Natalie for helping me do this blog each time. Natalie is my hands that pounds out this blog as I dictate to her the day's happenings by phone and tonight she is live, sitting next to me. I am capable of using my computer using a head mouse and if I would be doing this blog myself, it would take me all night to complete as my head mouse can only type approximately 10 words a minute or less. But I am thankful I am still able to use my computer. So now you know, for those of you who were wondering how I do it. Thank you Natalie!

On Tuesday, I attended aqua therapy and then speech therapy. After 5 weeks of having a cold, I finally was able to get back into the water for aqua therapy. The water was wonderful, at least 86 degrees. After 5 weeks, I find that my legs are weaker when standing. My therapist, Ren, had me do various arm exercises and walking in the pool to increase strength of my arms and legs. Speech therapy was at Rehab Hospital of the Pacific. Today, I learned exercises that should strengthen my throat muscles and help my swallowing. Here, try one of my exercises: stick your tongue out between your teeth, collect suliva in the back of your tongue and swallow. Another exercise is to sing at the highest pitch as you can (and you're not singing the "do, re, me" song!) This exercise tightens your vocal chords and also strengthens your throat muscles. Thanks for trying! If you like, I have a whole set of exercises to share with you.

As I sit here, dictating away, a little angel named Spike is blissfully sleeping in my arms. I feel so lucky and blessed. I should mention also that Malia, Mikala, Daniel and Natalie are here at my house for the night. Now I am doubly blessed!

Today, Fran, Punkin and PJ were up at my house for lunch to celebrate Punkin's belated 39th birthday (hehehe). Fran made an awesomely beautiful salmon salad and PJ brought some yummy white wine (I don't drink so I can't be sure, but it looked yummy!). Good luck to PJ this weekend at her golf tournament. It's always fun to celebrate birthdays with my friends. Happy birthday Punkin!

Jan and I met with Cory Lee (RN) who runs a nursing agency and will be helping us as needed as this disease progresses. When Glizza will be on vacation, the next two weeks, we will be trying Cory's staff out to fill Glizza's spot. Natalie will also be here to help direct my care.

Spike and I will say good night now. Good night Bella, Nana loves you!
Have a great Friday!

P.S. Thank you for all the nutrition advice....we're going in the right direction.


  1. These are such great pictures! Thank you for sharing them. The "girls" do 39 well. That cake looks to die for!!!!!!! So happy the kids were there with you and your mother's day must have been great. Spike looks like a tiger, too! Next week Stote's kids come and it should be fun in Kona. Saw Pat and Mike this morning; nellie at FF. See you Sunday Vi! peg

  2. Sending our love before we get on the plane to Perth! me and Bel love you emxox

  3. Hi Vi, it seems so long since I've seen you. You look so happy! Finally got to see a pic of Spike. Boy is he a big boy!! So glad you've been able to spend time with family. I will see you this Sunday & we can catch up. Luv Ya....You're so awesome (not to mention beautiful). Sandra

  4. Hi Vi,

    So glad you were able to get into the pool again knowing how much you love the water..
    Tried your throat exersize as i was reading this and i nearly choked myself..not easy hey? Loved seeing your photos, what a great looking cake! Loved the photo of you and Spike, he looks so content. I miss him. Love you Lynne x
