Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Blog 23!

Hi again, it's another beautiful summer day. Don't forget to enjoy at least one thing that is beautiful each day. Today is Tuesday already. How time flies. So let me see, lets start last weekend when I had another counseling session which was once again was great. From it I learned about passion and empathy and that one cannot give compassion or empathy without giving it to one's self first.

Then on Sunday we celebrated Jennifer Dodson's baby shower with the ALS Support Group. There was a lot of good food to go around and beautiful presents for Jennifer's baby girl whose name is Jade.

Monday was a beautiful day spent at home enjoying the sunshine on our back lanai. Nothing could have been a better way to spend the day. Glizza's cousin Joyce who is home for the summer from college brought us Chinese food for lunch and it was yummy! Joyce is spending her summer studying for the MCAT test to get into medical school. So we enjoyed her company as she took the day off from studying. Thank you Joyce!

Today we, once again, attended Aqua Therapy. Wren, my other physical therapist, worked with me as Matt is on vacation. As usual we walked the pool and did are arm and leg exercises. We also had an appointment with my internist. The conclusion is that I'm doing as good as I possibly can and will return to see him in 2 months.

This is the count down for our Fourth of July picnic. I think there will be over 100 BBQs across the U.S. for this special event. So be sure to come out and enjoy the fun and raise awareness of ALS and ALS research to find a cure. Be sure to bring a beach chair to the park. We're looking forward to having a great time with you. The next few days we will be gathering all of the goods for our picnic.

Don't forget we are swimming at Kaimana on Thursday at 9:30am.

Have a beautiful tonight and tomorrow!

Until then, goodnight Spike! Goodnight Bella! Nana loves you! and God bless you all.

Aloha, Vi

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